If half the population is less confident about themselves in the working world, is it really their lack of confidence that is the p
It’s not just women who would prefer a different work environment. Women and men must work together to make their workplaces more equal and collaborative. Photograph: Erik Isakson/Alamy
There has been a surge in attention on women’s careers, the conflict between work and family, and the gender gap in leadership in recent times.
A number of surveys from Opportunity Now, McKinsey’s Women Matter and my own Cambridge college, Murray Edwards, show just how deeply the culture in the workplace is affecting women’s self-confidence, their career progression and even their willingness to work in some organisations and companies.
n the Murray Edwards College survey, we asked women (aged 20-70) what had been the biggest challenge of their career. Some 22% considered juggling work and family life to be the biggest challenge, but 38% said it was an unsupportive work environment. Their statements were about having to do better than men, that progress was not based on merit, about covert or overt discrimination, and about bullying.
I had expected older women to feel this most strongly, having perhaps suffered discrimination earlier in their careers, but this view was spread among all ages, and represented 31% of the 20- to 29-year-old group.
Asked what would make an employer appealing, above all, women want to do meaningful work and make a difference. They want an environment where they are valued in their role and have colleagues with whom they connect. What they don’t like is an environment where their views are not heard and understood by colleagues; if progress is not demonstrably merit-based; and if there is inadequate support and training.
When asked what might have helped them in their careers, survey respondents said confidence-building skills, leadership development and understanding the importance of influencing and networking. Murray Edwards College is working to make sure its young women are leaving with the confidence to take on the world, define their futures and be leaders. But if half the population is less confident about themselves in the working world, is it really their lack of confidence which is the problem?Those of us who have experienced an unsupportive environment know just how hard it is to keep up your confidence when your voice is not heard. But in my experience there are a lot of men who are concerned about this situation, too. They may have seen their partner or daughter treated unfairly. There are also many men who would prefer a different work environment, for example where there is more emphasis on collaboration instead of competition. We need these men on side if we are to change cultures.
What we want is the different perspectives of women to be valued and included. It is wrong to generalise, but women are often good at stakeholder understanding and engagement, building organisations for sustainability and at taking a supportive approach to people management. If women are to be heard, organisations need to have a real belief that diversity will improve decision-making and achieve more.